Well folks Fap Turbo 3.0 made a great comeback this week. Were now back in profit and i have to say im very happy with the bitcoin trader in particular. It hasnt had a losing trade yet and it continues to provide me with my largest wins. Pictures from Sam's testing are below, great results as well. As always if you have any questions dont hesitate to send them my way. 


Sammy's Review:
1. FxChoice (Default Setup) - This setup has finally reached us back past breakeven profits. However as you can see the Profit Trades % is still on 62% since beginning this setup. We will continue to monitor.

2. FxChoice (MTS&Long Term Only) - This setup has been killing it with profits!! As you can see, we are hitting 81% with Profitable Trades. We are up $1000.00 over the two weeks with low drawdown. The trades are managed by the EA. So, we shall how well we can do as we continue. But this setup is very promising.

3. FXCM - (Custom FIFO Setup) - As you can see, we have recovered nicely the profits we lost last week. We are now heading into newer profits. So FXCM is working well with the FIFO modifications that I made to only trade MTS only. I truly believe from reviewing the three setups, focusing on MTS is the key to stability.

4. BONUS - FxChoice (MTS,SCALP,LongTerm Only) - I started a new setup at the beginning of this week just for fun. After reading the manual again, I noticed their tests used 1.0 Lots or $10 per/pip. So, for the heck of it I tried their setup and the results have been incredible. The maximum Floating P/L during the week was between $200-500, however today it widen a bit. However, in the manual it did mentioned that the max Float ever for their tests was $3000.00. So, lets see how this float of $1800.00 today closes next week. We are still in profit!!

Have a great weekend and holiday everyone!!



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