Well this was my first trade using the JOBB software and also trading with ninja trader and both worked exactly as expected. The execution on ninja was precise but for some reason my trailing stop wasnt triggered. I'm assuming I set something up wrong but that issue should be resolved by the next trade. (Go full screen and switch quality to 720p to see the video better)


  1. When asking my question about contracts, I was asking about contract type, not month. Sorry for not being clear, my bad. For example, if your trading anything to do with UK employment numbers, do you trade the pound contract. Do you have any thoughts on contract selection type for certain reports?

    Thanks for these videos. By the way, they are not too long. They are full of very valuable information.

  2. o ok. Well the first thing i do is find the futures equivalent of whatever currency pair I used to trade in forex. For example...
    -EUR releases i would trade the 6E which is the euro/usd futures
    -Canadian release i'd trade the 6C which is the Canadian dollar futures.
    -Chinese and Australian releases I would trade the 6A which is the Australian dollar futures.
    -U.S. releases i'd trade either the ZB-30 year t bonds CL-crude oil ES- emini s&p or one of the other e minis, Dow or Nasdaq.
    -Swedish releases i'd trade the sek/usd futures.
    -New Zealand releases i'd trade the 6N which is the New Zealand dollar futures.
    -UK releases i'd trade the 6B which is British pound futures. Hope that helps.

