Well we had another winner with JOBB, problem was my cpu froze and ruined the recording. It actually stayed frozen for 2 full minutes. I think i've figured out the problem but time will tell. Anyway this was just a recap of the trade showing profit and chart. I've withdrawn all of my funds from infinity at this point and ill update as to how long it takes to receive the money. Ill be opening an account with global futures once the money arrives. Anyway thats it for now. (Go full screen and switch quality to 720p to see the video better)


  1. Seems like things are coming together for you to really start to go after some consistent money. If you don't mind sharing who or what is JOBB?

  2. Hi, i dont mind sharing at all. JOBB is jo bracket breakout. Its just a system for using breakout brackets on ninja trader. You can see a video I did on it here http://empireambition.blogspot.com/2013/03/3202013-120-crude-oil-inventories.html

  3. What are you using for recording software?

  4. Its called BB Flashback Express Recorder. Its free and easy to use.

