Many people have asked me if I know of an indicator that doesn’t repaint & has a high win rate. I believe I’ve found that in The Oil Barrel. This system performed great in my testing and i made sure my clock was showing in each video so no one thinks im using market replay. The vendor kept pushing back the release date of this product which is why it took so long to actually get the videos up but you will get a good idea of how the system works by viewing the videos below. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.


The Oil Barrel System
The Oil Barrel System Review
The Oil Barrel System Testing
The Oil Barrel System Trades
TheOilBarrel System
TheOilBarrel System Review
TheOilBarrel System Testing
TheOilBarrel System Trades
TheOilBarrel review
The Oil Barrel review
TheOilBarrel testing
The Oil Barrel testing
TheOilBarrel trades
The Oil Barrel trades
testing TheOilBarrel
testing The Oil Barrel
review of TheOilBarrel
review of The Oil Barrel
The Oil Barrel
The Oil Barrel bonus
TheOilBarrel scam
The Oil Barrel scam


  1. Hello Larry

    Can u please make us some testings with the most recent updates that the vendor added to this system ?
    I want to get it but still need to see the updates on the system that he made ?

    And which one u recommend more NodeTrader or TheOilBarrel ?

    Thank you

    1. Hi, if i had to choose it would be Node trader. Its just a more complete system, plus you get the trading room so you can interact with others that are using the system and get your questions answered on the spot. Also several people in the nodetrader trade room have gotten funded with Top Step using that system so thats a big plus if thats your goal.

    2. Thank you

      How about TheOilBarrel System and the latest updates ?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

